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Archiv hlavniho mesta Prahy
(Prague City Archives)
Archivni 6, 149 00 Praha 4 (Prague 4)

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Capital City of Prague


Conference 2008

The Lost Neighbourhood. Prague - Nuremberg in the changes of centuries

27th scientific conference of the Prague City Archives, held by in co-operation with the City Archives Nuremberg, Lehrstuhl für Geschichte Ostmitteleuropas am Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften der Humboldt-Universität Berlin and with the Institute of International Studies of The Faculty of Social Sciences of The Charles University

October 7th - 8 th, 2008, Clam-Gallas Palace (Husova 20, Prague 1)


Programme - Czech/German (PDF, 256 kB)

Report on the conference published on hsozkult.geschichte.hu-berlin.de (german)

The conference proceedings were published in Documenta Pragensia XXIX.

Digital Collections Library Catalogue Collection of Registry Books Conference 2024 International cooperation
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