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Capital City of Prague

Atentát na Reinharda Heydricha a druhé stanné právo na území tzv. protektorátu Čechy a Morava.

Edice historických dokumentů. Svazek 4.

(Assassination of Reinhard Heydrich and the second martial law in the territory of the so-called Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia.)

(Editions of historical documents. Volume 4)

Vojtěch Šustek (ed.)

Issued: Archiv hlavního města Prahy, Praha, 2022.ISBN 978-80-86852-92-8, Language: Czech, German.

CZK: 555.00

The fourth volume of the commented edition of more than 500 German-language documents (provided with a literal Czech translation) brings another, in the order of the sixth content part of the edition: "VI. Repression against the collaborators of the paratroopers from the ranks of the domestic resistance, against their relatives and also against other Czechs who were murdered as a result of the so-called Heydrichiade."
The set of 122 documents (and 8 appendices), which are dated from 3 June 1942 to 3 September 1942, contains reports of executions carried out on the basis of the judgments of the so-called martial courts of Prague and Brno, namely a total of 87 reports on executions by shooting by the German protective police in the territory of Bohemia and 44 reports of the Waffen-SS Böhmen-Mähren guard battalion on the execution by shooting and in some cases also by hanging in the area of the Kounic dormitories in Brno.

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