Copies and copyright

Copying services

If possible given the condition and type of the relevant archival material, the Prague City Archives provides photographic, micrographic, digital and electrographic copies (xerox copies). The price list includes only the items the Prague City Archives are able to technically provide.

Price list

Copy services order form 

The Applicant must state in the order form the exact information on the archival materials the copies of which are requested (the collection, time span, call number, inventory number, folio number, page). These data can be found in the online catalogue.

Payment and delivery:

The Applicant shall be notified in writing that the copies are available (within 60 days at the latest) and informed on the method of payment.
Method of payment and collection :

Please note:

We do not accept credit cards or cheques. In case of payments from abroad, the payer shall settle all bank transfer fees. The payment shall be considered to be settled solely if settled in full.

Consent to one-off use of copies of archival materials

Before you publish copies of the documents deposited in the Prague City Archives, you have to ask the Prague City Archives for permission of reproduction or for grant of a One-time Right of Reproduction.

Orders of copies and Agreements to Permit Reproduction and to Grant a One-time Right of Reproduction shall be submitted in writing or in electronic format to the City of Prague Archives Registry.

Postal address:

Archiv hlavniho mesta Prahy
Archivni 6
149 00 Praha 4
Czech Republic
