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Archiv hlavniho mesta Prahy
(Prague City Archives)
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Pražský sborník historický / The Prague Historical Review

Instructions for Authors and Ethical Guidelines


All manuscripts are to be submitted electronically by email to the email address listed below. Alternatively, manuscripts may be submitted on a CD-ROM via the City Archives. Submit the manuscript for review as a DOC, DOCX or RTF file (MS-Word or an editor compatible to MS-Word). Submission of a manuscript requires that the work has not been published, submitted, or accepted for publication elsewhere, and that it will not be submitted elsewhere while under consideration.Papers are limited to a maximum of 80 pages (1800 characters per page), incl. footnotes and attachments. A summary (max. 1 page), an abstract (max. 15 rows) and a list of 5-10 keywords in the language of the contribution should be enclosed. The translation of these additional documents into English or German/Czech is provided by the journal's editors.Illustrations (max. 10) should be submitted along with the manuscript as TIFF files with a resolution of min. 300 DPI (A4), resp. 350 DPI (B5). Illustrations require accurate and precise information about their origin. Copies of illustrations from books and/or the internet (i.e. Wikipedia) are not permitted. Contributors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce any material to which they do not hold copyright; otherwise, publication will not be possible.

Referencing in Prazsky sbornik historicky ( PDF, 31 kB)

Ethical guidelines

The Prague Historical Review accepts solely original contributions in the appropriate language quality, with exact references and quotations of cited works and literature. The editors reserve the right to refuse manuscripts not deemed suitable for publication in a professionally reviewed journal or do not fit the journal's profile. Submitting the same paper to another journal at the same time is regarded as ethical misconduct. Accepted papers will be peer-reviewed by at least two independent referees. The editorial staff provides information about the received manuscripts solely to the authors, reviewers, and members of the advisory board. Unpublished texts must not be used by any member of the advisory board, editorial staff or a reviewer without the explicit permission of the author.


The Prague Historical Review
Prague City Archives
Archivní 6
149 00 Prague 4
Email: psh.redakce@email.cz; psh.redakce@praha.eu
Phone:+420-23600-4943 Olga Fejtova (editor-in-chief)

Digital Collections Library Catalogue Collection of Registry Books Conference 2024 International cooperation