Documenta Pragensia

Instructions for Authors and Ethical Guidelines

Documenta Pragensia accepts solely original contributions in the appropriate language quality, with exact references and quotations of cited works and literature. The editors reserve the right to refuse manuscripts not deemed suitable for publication in a professionally reviewed journal. Submitting the same paper to another journal is regarded as ethical misconduct.

Contributions must be submitted electronically in a MS-Word compatible format (*RTF) by mail or on a CD-ROM. The deadline is December 31st of each year. The paper should not exceed 25 pages (1800 characters / page), appendixes and notes included. Additionally, authors provide the following: a summary (max. 1 page), an abstract (max. 250 words), and 5-10 keywords in the language of the publication. The translation of these additional documents to Czech and / or German is provided by the journal's editors. Page proof will be sent upon request only.

Illustrations (max. 10) must be provided electronically as *TIFF files, either by mail or on a CD-ROM. Please be aware that a resolution of min. 300 DPI (A4), resp. 350 DPI (B5) is required. Copies of illustrations from books and/or the internet (i.e. Wikipedia) are not accepted. Do not forget to include accurate information about the origin and the author of the images. Authors of contributions are responsible for obtaining permission for the reproduction of any material to which they do not hold copyright; otherwise, the illustrations will not be published.

The published contributions are subject to external, independent peer review, with at least two assessments per contribution. A third expert will be consulted should the two previous reviewers arrive at conflicting conclusions. The peer review is anonymous in the way that the author does not know the name of the reviewer. The reviewers are selected by the editorial board, which also oversees the orderly course of the peer review. Each reviewer is obliged to inform the editorial board immediately of any potential conflict of interests. Authors are informed about the results of the peer review within 30 days of its completion.

The editorial staff provides information about the received manuscripts solely to the authors, reviewers, and members of the editorial board. Unpublished texts must not be used by any member of the editorial board, editorial staff and/or a reviewer without the explicit permission of the author.

Referencing in Documenta Pragensia  (PDF, 31 kB)


Documenta Pragensia

Prague City Archives
Archivní 6
149 00 Prague 4
Phone Numbers:
+420-23600-4943 Olga Fejtová (Documenta Pragensia, editor-in-chief)
+420-23600-4021 KateÅ™ina Jíšová (Documenta Pragensia Supplementa)
+420-23600-4058 Václav Ledvinka (Documenta Pragensia Monographia)